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Cat in The Box - A Podcast On Remote Viewing

Nov 24, 2018 for more on the show including viewable targets, past results, a beginners guide to remote viewing, help keep keep going or be part of the show. ~ A Value for Value Podcast ~ Thank you donators!!!

Closing Music by Arcade High

This weeks remote viewing targets...



Nov 16, 2018 for more on the show including viewable targets, past results, a beginners guide to remote viewing, help keep us afloat or be part of the show by sending in your results. ~ A Value for Value Podcast ~ Thank you donators!!!

This weeks remote viewing targets are...




Nov 6, 2018 for current targets, past results, remote viewing 101 beginners guide, help us with the podcast expenses or be part of the show by sending in your results. ~ A Value for Value Podcast ~ 

This weeks targets are 3793Q6, D3343C and 76Q922